Gummy Smile Treatment

Gummy Smile Treatment

Blog Article

Another factor contributing to a gummy smile could be overactive upper lip muscles. When these muscles pull the lip upward too much, more of the gum tissue becomes exposed. In such cases, a botox injection may be an effective solution. Botox can temporarily relax the muscles that control the upper lip, reducing the extent to which the lip rises when a person smiles. Botox is a non-invasive procedure and offers quick recovery, making it appealing to individuals looking for a less permanent option.

Orthodontic treatment may also be necessary for those whose gummy smile is due to tooth positioning or eruption issues. Misalignment of the teeth or jaws can lead to an unbalanced smile where more gum tissue shows than desired. Braces or clear aligners can help shift the teeth into a more favorable position, thereby reducing the appearance of excess gum tissue. While orthodontics can take months or years, it provides long-term benefits in terms of both functionality and aesthetics.

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